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Your Likør is picky about the taste and quality

A liqueur made from honey

What is a Liqueur?

Can be drunk neat, to mix in drinks or with food such as dessert, cheese or Tapas.

A liqueur is a sweet alcoholic drink that is often flavored with fruits, spices and flowers.
The word liqueur comes from the Latin liquifacere, "to dissolve" and refers to the dissolution of the flavoring agents used in the liqueur.

Your liqueur is brewed in the same way as the mead of old, but with a new addition of spices, fruit, berries and coffee. 

The liqueur has a well-balanced residual sweetness from the honey.   

 The liqueur can be used in several different contexts.   Here, among other things, we can recommend making a fresh welcome drink, adding the liqueur as an ingredient to cocktails (See recipes under the menu inspiration  or via the QR code on the back of the bottles) or enjoyed with food such as dessert or tapas.

dansk produceret likør

Din Likør er brygget på grundbasen som en mjød

Mjød er en alkoholisk drik lavet ved at gære honning med vand, og det kan også indeholde forskellige krydderier, frugter eller urter for smag.


Det er en af de ældste alkoholiske drikkevarer og har været brygget og nydt i tusinder af år. Mjød kan variere fra tør til sød og kan have en bred vifte af smagsprofiler afhængigt af ingredienserne og bryggemetoden. Det er ofte forbundet med middelalderlige og nordeuropæiske kulturer, men populariteten har spredt sig globalt, og det nydes stadig af mange i dag enten alene eller som en ingrediens i forskellige cocktails og drikkevarer.

Din Likør er gæret og brygget på honning fra egne bier. Vi tilsætter frugter og urter fra starten af gæringen så smagen kan blive så kraftfuld som muligt.

danish honey
Fie Wilkie

One of the people behind Din Likør

Damn Wilkie

Fie has a background in sales and marketing. 

Fie has a great interest and passion for getting more people to know Likør. She is the one who adds the creative impetus to the taste, expression and production of Din Likør.

Our bees - our honey - Your Liqueur

What others are saying about the product

"Nicolai Rosenberg - chef and Somali"

I am very fascinated by  this liqueur. The combination of the sweetness from the honey and the added fruit notes make it a unique taste experience. 

I can highly recommend using the liqueur as a supplement for baking, for cooking -  yes the imagination only sets the limit."

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CVR number: 43184784
Telephone hours 9-16
Telephone: 53306791

We brew in our brewery in Dannemare. Purchase of Din Likør can only be made at the webshop, markets and through retailers.


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